Friday, August 20, 2010

The Nightmare

I was effete ,i was callow
Hit the rock,when the path got narrow
Breaking my wing, i fall back on earth
Realizing my wound, i realize my worth.

The edge of the cliff you take me to,
I beg ,i plead but you turn so blue,
For the blood just ebbed from the heart of you
And this cold thing i hardly knew.

I try to fly but all in vain
For the broken wing and so much pain.
The lightning and thunder, it begins to rain
My elysian world begins to drain.

I scream ,i shout,this is not our fate,
There's no such way you would corroborate,
For the bosom deluging with so much hate,
The eyes so cold and obdurate.

The tennuous thread while you cut i see,
One last chance ,i beg and plea,
Till the last drop of hope my heart could weep
Then i close my eyes and take a leap.

I drown and drown in this stygian sea
And the water begins asphyxating me.

I forego the struggle ,for the hope just left
I feel bereaved,forlorn and oh so bereft.

Just when the life begins to recede,

A salubrious touch on the hand i feel.
with so much effort i open my bleary eyes
The warm sunshine,your angel smile,
Realizing the nightmare,i take a deep sigh.

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