Monday, September 20, 2010

I live The Dream...Everyday...

The longest phone call,
We talk about books,music,hedonism,philosophy and all that jazz.
Suddenly you wouldn't corroborate with what i just said,
And I'd convince myself thinking that you are such a pain in the ass.
Yet for hours we talk and talk.

The long messenger chats,coffee mug in hand,
We discuss "The zahir" and The Aerosmith band.

The morning walk,
About Darwin and Lamarck i talk,
You listen to it all, like the best proselyte.
And then like a preceptor, explain the demand and supply,
While i pretend to listen, in that wondrous auto ride.

The daily fights ,frustrations,hatred,
And then just a hug is enough to set things straight.

You nudge me to shed some weight every single day,
Yet you treat me with gelato(3 in one go) and that oreo shake,
That luscious chicken at kakke da dhaba,
That lassi and so much butter on aloo paratha.

And we do all crazy things,putting up black nail paint in CCD,
And then washing our dirtied legs in KFC.

The biking lessons,
You become grumpy when i don't hit it right
I feign ,i'm putting in all my might.
And it's not that i can't do it right,
It's just that i love that T'd off sight.

The breeze on my face during that cycle ride,
And feels as if we took another flight.

You pay a 100 bucks to the rickshawala ,
And then ask me to haggle for 10 with the autowala..
The India Gate and that kala khatta,
And the black tongues,like kids,we flaunt,
Then Sarojini's pani puri and that palika rooftop.

You sing me that lovely coldplay song,
For,last night on the phone, we fought.

Then The night at blues ,
We both are so blotto and loose,
And Miss X's platinum card we use.

I shop lift that scrumptious cuppy cake,
And cook maggi ,you always denigrate,
Yet you always relished ,
For that's the only dish i can make.
The christmas eve ,with coffee,maggi and cake
On the rooftop ,we celebrate.

The scrabble ,the word challenge and backgammon,
And then about nothing at all, everyday,i ramble on...

You castigate me for chewing a gum in the metro,
While we run for that Dark Knight show.
You sulk "Why can't i do *that* like *this*?".
And then subtly smile over the fatuous things i do,
But No,you got no clue,
That nettling you is such a bliss.

The perfect black dress ,for me, you shop,
The card and the essential Calvin and Hobbes..

(Alarm ringing)
It's a wake up call,
Clanking my head,
It's no more a free fall,
And as reality comes my way,
I realize you are so many Worlds away.

And I live with this(My) dream everyday.

On weekends, i still go to Oxford Book Store,
Then sometimes even Route '04,
There i sit in a corner, near that door
And watch us both from a distance.

Yes... "You and Me,on OUR table,singing,shouting out loud,
Banging heads,and mocking at the boring couples around.
And then i climb the table singing out loud,
"So kiss me and smile for me ,
Tell me that you'll wait for me,
Hold me like you'll never let me go,
Coz I'm Leaving on a jet plane"
And then the whole world joins in,
As if i were a celebrity."

I still wear your green T-shirt,
And go to subway to have chicken ham,
Dressed with mint mayo and mustard.

I go back home,
Hit the sac everyday,
Just to drift back in time,
And dream again...

The alarm rings everyday,
My wake up call,
Clanking my head,
It's no more a free fall.

Waking up,i open the window,
And feel the breeze in my face
Coming from some far off land,
Whispering in my ears,
"I am there for u,with u ,Forever"

And I just don't live with the dream,
I LIVE THE DREAM every single day.