Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Airport, The Departure.... 3rd sept '10

We get down the car...

The lights,the commotion, the hustle - bustle, the honking of the horns, the people rushing past me....a newly wed couple,so besotted with each other ,looks like they're flying to honeymoon in Switzerland or Paris or somewhere...
a mom continuously instructing her son..looks like he's flying for further studies to Harvard, Stanford or somewhere...
a disconsolate wife with her kid in her arms and tears in eyes...looks like she's come to see her husband off,who may not get back to em soon...

And... As you start mounting the luggage on the trolley,the lights start dimming everywhere in front of me.

Everything starts blurring and i can see only silhouettes of people as we tread towards the departures entry.

My head starts spinning around,and there's ringing in my ears..

The flashback: the tears,the laughs, the fights, the kisses, the teasing, the hugs, the witty banters, the whining, the taunts, the warm smile, the chocolates, the flowers, the drives, the walks, the cycle ride, the shopping, the biking lessons......

And ....The time to check in....
You hug me the last time and my heart starts pounding in my head and the feelings so mixed ,
as we reach gate 6..
The blood starts receding from my veins,as i see you walking through the departure's entrance, from counter to counter, to the luggage carousel, farther and farther away...

My world comes crashing down as you get lost into the crowd,and eventually out of sight.

The tears just don't stop. The security guards,the people around, looking at me,some with cold,some with pitiful,and some with remorseful eyes...two of them even come up to empathize.

It feels like someone is strangulating me ,and asphyxiating i want to Shout Out Loud....

Why do we have to succumb ourselves in the name of some crappy "Mr. Future"...who we don't even know to exist???
How can we be so sure that it'll fetch us happiness???
...Why can't we be happy right now when it's totally in our hands???
Why do You have to go away?

Why this fatalism??Why?