Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happiness...a mere farce..

We keep running ,running and running the rat race for "happiness"...the void,the shallow,the superficial,the insubstantial happiness that we know.

I'm also one of those,i'm also one amongst "WE",except for the times when i'm blotto and inebriated.that's when i soar up above all the materialisms,the covetousness,the avariciousness,the voidness.....
I see the world trapped in this hamster cage of job,money,sex,prada,louis vuitton,kids,orgasms...and all these tags have a TM:HAPPINESS.

Ever bothered to introspect that this happiness is ephemeral???....the sooner you get used to it,the sooner it eludes you.

A school kid gets elated with joy with a bowl of candy,when young,a bike becomes that bowl,then getting a decently paying job,and as a young man ,orgasm transmogrifies into that bowl of candies....and he is contented enough to assume that the orgasm that happens to the genitalia is the highest state of happiness....And i think it is *imprudent* enough not to even bother to think that there could be one that could happen to your brain,that will imbue your intelligence with the enlightenment,the brightness,rather than the "black out "that you know,lasts only a few seconds...and this illumination could last infinitely.
You'll rise above all materialisms,the shallowness,the fear.

For that ,we need to find answers to.. Who we are? And What we are for?....for the highest purpose is simply lost and lost forever...we all keep running this vicious circle with a blind fold on our eyes without caring for the PURPOSE we are born for,we have come to life for.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I Miss It All...

The crappy tussle,
The smile so subtle.

The karma magic,
The crazy logic.

The scientist song,
The dreaming long.

The collected cans,
The complaisance.

The extreme ways,
The pissed off face.

The disorientation,
The trepidation.

The rooftop talks,
The undid knots

The crapulence,
The abstinence.

The sleepless night,
The diffused light.

The softest touch,
The sound of "hush".

The brooklyn mug,
The perfect hug.

The french omelette,
The colour violet.

The reckless heart,
The faux-pas.

The veins so stressed,
The hair unkempt

The sleepy voice,
Leaves no choice....

I Leave behind...

I walk out of this party in all drunkenness,
My heart inundated with youth’s sunkenness.

I dread what will become of me,
For so reckless I have always been.

It is beautiful, and I’m drunk and high,
The party is hovering in fronta my mind’s eye.

I have an urge to return,
But I do know there’s more to yearn.

For there’s so much more to learn,
And this recklessness I should burn.

By and by I come to thee,
For your sake from the party I flee.

Last word with you will have me revivified,
It’s in your arms hereby, I wish I died.

You are the one I dreamt for so long,
Time has come when I say that song.

I walk and walk with the vision so blurred,
I shouted to them , but no one heard.

I relished the drinks and music there,
But when I left,there wasn’t a sole to care.

Violent winds penetrate this gut of mine,
Am I reaching you ,or am I short of time?

This teal-taffeta that I’m dressed up in,
And winds make me faint for so much I sinned.

I swivel to see if I have come too far,
But neither a speck of light, nor a single star.

I feel lost, so lost inside,
Am I reaching you ,or am I short of time?

I’ve hurt my leg, my hands, my soul inside,
And the pain as if I’m firmly tied.

I see a man, from his horse,alight,
And question if he would give me a ride?

That’s when to another side he veered,
I cried out loud but no one appeared.

I freeze and freeze as if it were rigor mortis,
Will any one take me to where his fort is?

I no longer yearn for those tequila and lime,
Am I reaching you or am I short of time?

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Nightmare

I was effete ,i was callow
Hit the rock,when the path got narrow
Breaking my wing, i fall back on earth
Realizing my wound, i realize my worth.

The edge of the cliff you take me to,
I beg ,i plead but you turn so blue,
For the blood just ebbed from the heart of you
And this cold thing i hardly knew.

I try to fly but all in vain
For the broken wing and so much pain.
The lightning and thunder, it begins to rain
My elysian world begins to drain.

I scream ,i shout,this is not our fate,
There's no such way you would corroborate,
For the bosom deluging with so much hate,
The eyes so cold and obdurate.

The tennuous thread while you cut i see,
One last chance ,i beg and plea,
Till the last drop of hope my heart could weep
Then i close my eyes and take a leap.

I drown and drown in this stygian sea
And the water begins asphyxating me.

I forego the struggle ,for the hope just left
I feel bereaved,forlorn and oh so bereft.

Just when the life begins to recede,

A salubrious touch on the hand i feel.
with so much effort i open my bleary eyes
The warm sunshine,your angel smile,
Realizing the nightmare,i take a deep sigh.