Monday, October 18, 2010

Wish to give that bird wings again......

Like an enchantress,
She can set everything straight for you.
She’s the tranquility
When you are choleric.

Stretched through those purple two
That angel smile,
She can make everything seem so easy,
And make a month look like a lifetime.

She‘ll Fight against all odds
Like that Joan of arc,
And you still wonder
How she got those scars?

Yet she is not what the world sees her to be
She’s so much more,
So much more than these eyes can behold,
But you just don’t deserve to know.

I saw her flying the other day.
Singing her own song of life.
Loving the breeze on her face,
Keeping the velocity and pace,
Soaring higher and higher.

When they suddenly chopped her wing,
And she fell back on earth,
Hit the ground so hard,
All battered and bruised.

And they stood callously
Watched her suffer and cry.

And in all perplexity,
I stood flummoxed, wondering,
How they tried to extirpate that spirited song,
That epitome of beauty.

Remembering …
How magnanimity always deluged her heart.
The lady with the curls and purple lips…

How She loved splurging money on bags and shoes,
Like a young girl so prodigal.
How she stayed up all night when you lay unwell
And caressed your head, Like a mother figure.

And Elvis Presley playing at night…
And then black coffee with “C”

Then strikes this urge ,
To revivify the bird.

But the unsettling silence,
Silence so eerie
And who knew?
It was the silence preceding the Storm.

No sooner than I tried to diffuse the bomb,

The Blast!!!

Only ashes and dust near and far……

1 comment:

  1. Don't u worry about the ashes my dear, 'coz its from the ashes that Phoenix resurrects itself!!

    And coming to think of it in literal sense too...
    A Phoenix... a bird with fire spirit, colourful plumage, tail of gold & purple or scarlet, ignites own-self in the nest that it has itself built... and from the ashes, a FREE bird with fire spirit rises again...!!

    So cheer for the new free bird and not lament the burning of the old,
    'coz what was there
    ...the love n care,
    the courage n dare...
    are still there
    and shall stay for times to come...
