Saturday, September 18, 2010

Eviction of Slums....What a Shame!!!

"I cry like a hapless creature ,that even my tears have dried but there's not even a single sole who'd care to listen to my whimper for even once .

I carry bricks over my head everyday to and fro ,to help this city give birth to the surreal buildings and flyovers, so that i can feed my kids with two meals a day.

My Husband pulls rickshaw day and night so that our child can go to school.

I fail to understand ,how could our little home (Jhuggi in your terms), and our child playing around with running nose make this city look ugly on the map of the world???

Our little world was run over by a bulldozer yesterday ,and THEY promise to relocate us to some newer place in the outskirts..
It feels like being *Castrated* and rendered impotent after we have delivered your child.."

Thousands of cries like these either go unheard or are overlooked while the government inhumanely have the bulldozers run over the squatter settlements in the name of beautification for some 12 day event happening in Delhi,"The Common Wealth Games" ,for the sake of National Pride ,THEY say...

The irony is that most of the families being ushered away in the follow up to the CWG are the ones which moved up to Delhi in 1980s to build up the Games Village and various Stadiums for the Asiad games..

The government promises them land in the outskirts..
BUT... who'll promise them the JOBS,they lost, the SCHOOLS for their kids, for the distances are too much for them to afford...and who'll buy them the AMENITIES(like TV, Coolers..etc).. for which they drudged night and day to accumulate..

YES.... The impact on Delhi’s poor and workers is incalculable:
In the name of CWG, some 4 lakh people have been evicted from slums in Delhi,in the past 6 years. The homeless have been thrown out of Delhi as beggars and street vendors are being evicted from the streets and weekly bazaars scrapped in the name of presenting a posh appearance to international guests...

The Delhi Government and Central Government claimed that CWG would turn Delhi into a world class city and boost India’s prestige. But they do not disclose the reality that the official expenditure for CWG has gone up from the initial one of Rs 700 crore to Rs 28, 000 crore. To meet this vast expenditure, money was sordidly siphoned away from social welfare schemes including schemes for Dalits and deprived sections...

It's ignominious that in a land which gloats so much of Democracy ,
The Right To Life is being violated brazenly....

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